Thursday, June 30, 2011

ATV's for Hunting

If you are thinking of going hunting using your ATV, there are some important things to remember. First, you must make certain that the vehicle is in top shape, working properly, and has the current tags attached. Check the gas and oil so you won't be liable to run out. It's smart to take some extra along with you, just in case.

Other things you should take with you are plenty of water, food like jerky and/or trail mix, a sensible first aid kit, knife and matches. If you are planning to camp out, you will bring a small tent, camping food and sleeping bags, as well as your rifle and ammunition. Taking a compass and survival kit is a good idea, as one can never tell what the weather might be like in the mountains.

It may be hard to tell where the wilderness area starts, so you must get a wilderness map from the Forestry Department and observe the signs, since ATVs are not allowed in that area. That, of course, means you will have to leave your vehicle chained to a tree, or, if you know the area well, just take the key with you. The Fish and Game Department will give a ticket for abuse of the wilderness area as well as for not having the correct tag on your license plate and carrying a loaded gun on the ATV.

There's a lot of preparation for taking the ATV to get to the wilderness area, but there are several advantages; it's much quicker than hiking, a lot of equipment can be packed on the vehicle, and, the best part, the game you bag can be toted out easily.

I'm Jackie Corey and have a husband who likes hunting. I have other hobbies. Click on and see the ATVs there. Actually, they are not the hunting type, but primarily for youth to enjoy. They are a small replica of the real thing, but they do come in various sizes. There are also pocket bikes that are very much like a real motorcycle only on a much smaller scale. Adults who weigh less than 250 pounds can ride both. Youth can learn the important safety features and rules of the road while having a really good time. Check it out.

View the original article here

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